Diagnostic tools to prioritize marketing and engagement efforts


Brand pulse


In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, knowing how you and your competitors are perceived — right now — has never been more important.

Our Brand Pulse converts real-time qualitative and quantitative brand data into actionable intelligence and identifies opportunities for immediate impact. This strategic overlay leads to insights that allow you to prioritize how to move the needle and impact your business.




Understanding the real reasons behind winning (and then expanding) a client can have a dramatic impact on sales effectiveness, on-going engagement and relationship management.

Based on the unique goals of our clients, we interview “C- suite buyer decision-makers and influencers to unearth critical themes and drivers for selection, differentiating services and experiences and opportunities to be a better resource and partner for the long-term.




Companies need to know how their customer experience compares to others and where they can turn it into a strategic lever of advantage.

Our Customer Experience Diagnostic maps the current state of the experience customers have with an organization and analyzes opportunities for immediate and long-term improvement.




Attracting, training and retaining top talent that will is critical to every organization’s success.

Our Employee NPS+ helps assess employee satisfaction and takes the further step of identifying the “whys” behind key feedback dimensions, all leading to more informed, effective decisions about how to address any issues or build upon existing momentum.